Hormonal imbalance has been the biggest concern in the modern era. Are you experiencing PMS, painful or irregular periods, hormonal acne, heavy bleeding, no periods, Pcod, or infertility?? These are the clear indicators of hormonal imbalance in your body.
Seed cycling is a natural alternative medicine practice to help regulate hormones. It's a combination of specific seeds eaten during the different phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
In seed cycling, the four phases of a 28-day cycle are broken into two phases: the follicular/menstrual phase (days 1-14) and the luteal/ovulatory phase (days 15-28).
The Follicular Phase/ Menstrual phase:
It starts on the first day of your period. During this phase, consume one tablespoon of ground flaxseed & one tablespoon of ground pumpkin seeds every day for days 1–14.
The Luteal Phase/ Ovulation phase:
It starts around ovulation. Consume one tablespoon of ground sesame seeds and one tablespoon of ground sunflower seeds every day for days 15-28.
Pumpkin and flaxseed support the estrogen-dominant follicular phase when the ovaries increase estrogen levels in the body. Likewise, sunflower and sesame seeds support the increase of progesterone in the luteal phase.
Important points:
It’s no coincidence that a women’s 28-day cycle is the same length as our moon cycle. Follow this 28-day format ( Starting on day 1 of your period).
If your regular cycle isn't 28 days long, Simply adapt the rotation by eating flax & Pumpkin seeds until ovulation and then sesame & sunflower until your period.
If you don't get a period, go with the moon cycle. Start day 1 on the new moon and switch seeds with the full moon.
Ways to consume these seeds
Note: Grind or crush seeds for better absorption of nutrients.
Make smoothies.
Mix into oatmeal or yogurt.
Sprinkle on salad.
Dry roast and have it as a snack in itself.
Nature has the power to heal! Though there are not many studies available that support this claim. In my discussions with a couple of gynecologists, they did mention seeing good results in hormonal levels if followed consistently for 3-4 months.
Seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients and should be included in the diet anyway. So aim for 1 tbsp of each seed a day and you are good to go!!
Have you tried seed cycling? Comment below!