When you are surrounded by darkness (uncertainties) and still there is the hope of light.
Unlike me, I'm sure many of our New year resolutions began with fitness goals. Today after completing the first quarter of this year, when I was analyzing where I stand against the goal I had decided, I was disappointed to realize how off track I had been due to this Corona fear. We think of all the positive steps we would take and the positive outcomes of it without ever considering that there could be hiccups while on this journey as well. Well well never predicted a hiccup in the form of Corona and this home quarantine.
The panic, the precaution, the lockdown everything was a precautionary measure taken to keep us safe. So for all the excuses, I made or the compromises with the gym shut, limited resources of food, and no dining out are these really a hiccup? Life has given us a chance to pause and revisit our life and make the necessary correction. So were all the excuses justified?
When I introspected I felt that the quarantine time is the best time to work on our fitness goals reason being,
1. No dine-out or cheats 2. No weddings, functions, or birthday parties to ruin my progress 3. Homemade healthy food due to limited resources 4. Home workouts and ease to work out whenever I find the time. No need to go out when I can take up good-intensity workouts in the comfort of my home 5. With no maids to help we are physically more active which is, in turn, helping us to burn more calories 6. What we do is watched by our kids and supported by other family members. Fitness is contagious. Working out with your partner, family workouts creating healthy competition, and gaining fitness at the same time leads to perfect family bonding.
What we become at the end of quarantine is completely up to us. Either continue giving excuses, eat and become a couch potato or make the best of the situation and emerge being more fitter.
Let's change our spectacles and look at this quarantine with a new vision. A vision that will bring us closer to our goals and a prayer that will get us out of this corona situation even stronger. This phase shall too pass.