What is a calorie deficit?
As human beings, we burn calories as fuel. To maintain weight the calories in must be equal to the calories out. This is called an energy balance.
Consider that balance as a scale:
1. To lose weight ( body fat): The total calories consumed should be less than the calories burnt. This can be done by eating less ( creating a deficit) or burning more calories ( increasing activity level)
2. To increase weight ( body fat) you need to eat more calories than you burn.
Energy output is made up of 4 components that burn calories:
BMR ( Basic metabolic rate): The number of calories that are burned when we are at rest. Heart pumping blood, breathing, digestion, brain function, etc.
NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis): The calories that which body burns move from day to day. Walking, talking, bending, running even brushing your teeth burns a few calories a day.
EAT ( Exercise activity thermogenesis): The calories we burn while performing any exercise activity like swimming, weight training, yoga, aerobics, etc.
TOF ( Thermic effect from food): The calories which are utilized by our body to break down and digest food. This could be as high as 10% of your energy expenditure with a good protein diet. Thus eating protein aid in weight loss as it requires more calories to digest.