I'm sure we all have been there and believed any of this as truth while on a fitness journey isn't it? Since kids, we have been bombarded with so many wrong statements about myths that we have grown up believing it's true. Let's clarify some myths about fitness here.
You have to cut carbs:
Carbs are the immediate energy resource of our body and give us the required nutrition. Every macronutrient has a role to play; hence, we shouldn't be depriving our bodies of it.
Lifting weights makes you bulky.
Building muscle is not so easy. It takes time, effort, consistency, and night nutrition.
Sit-ups will give you 6 packs
Sit-ups alone will never give you 6 packs but a calorie deficit diet with a combination of different workouts like squats, deadlifts, and plank which involves your core muscle will.
More sweats = more fat loss
The amount of sweat you released is nowhere connected to the amount of fat loss it's just a way of body cooling when the temperature of the body rises up during a workout. It's a temporary loss of water and not fat.
More workouts = better results
Spending hours in the gym wouldn't give you better results. Effective training and nutrition combined with sleep, rest, and better muscle recovery will get you results.
Fasted cardio to lose weight: Whether you eat or not eating before a workout it will give you the same fat-loss results. Remaining in a calorie deficit is the key.