Revisiting my year so far made me realize how much I was dependent on the people around me to achieve my goals. I always seek others' presence, support, a push, a compliment, and based on all this, I would either make my goals come true or blame the situations and same people around me for my failure.
I remember I was completely dependent on Rahul when I started my fitness journey post Ryan's birth. Rahul's availability tweaked my priorities. It was easy to give up and hard to follow as I always had someone or some situation to blame for my failures. But honestly, the only person who was at loss or impacted in this blaming business was just Me. Sometimes brutal realizations make everlasting changes in life.
I listed all the things I had control on
Support from my family
Control on actions
Control over my thoughts
How I feel about the people around me.
What I would put into my mouth
My workout progress
And the things I had no control was:
People opinion
weight Fluctuation
My past mistakes
All I did was simply ask, "Can I change what's not in my control?"
If Yes: I would get down to hell to make it happen and fix what needs to be fixed
If No: Then just sleep over it and forget it ever happened.
Stop blaming the situations, the lockdown, no time, ill start tomorrow that's the biggest lie you tell to yourself, and trust me in the end, the one who is losing to these excuses is just you. Get in charge of your life, list out what's in your control and do whatever it takes to make it right. IT'S NOW OR NEVER.
So what are you in control of?